Rumor: 'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate' Getting Secret Stages

We already know that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will be the biggest package in the series to date, [...]

We already know that Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will be the biggest package in the series to date, bringing practically every fighter in the series together, along with some new favorites. But what's just as cool is that they'll have a ton of territory to brawl in.

That's because a new piece of evidence indicates that Sakurai and his team could be revealing five all new stages coming to the game.

Earlier this year, during the official E3 reveal for Smash Bros., it was confirmed that the game would feature 103 stages in all, including a number of classic favorites as well as some new ones. However, a new image that popped up on Japanese gaming site CoroCoro suggests that there's actually 108 -- with five that have yet to be revealed.

The tweet below comes from a fan who managed to get an image of the game's stage select screen. There's a lot to see here, but as you might notice on the bottom, there are five mysterious stages that still remain blacked out, possibly set for reveal before the game's arrival this December. It could just be a mock-up, but it could also indicate that the team has some big surprises to come -- even after everything we've seen already.

The thing is this. If the stages pertain to new franchises, that could also mean we're yet to see even more fighters get added to the game. Now, we don't have the kind of guesses to indicate that we're right, but look at what we've seen so far, between King K. Rool from Donkey Kong Country; Isabelle from Animal Crossing (you can watch the reveal above); the Belmonts from Castlevania; and Ridley from Metroid. Going off that pattern, Nintendo could very well be throwing anyone they want into the game.

Hopefully we'll have another Nintendo Direct down the road before December to showcase who's coming next. Fingers crossed that the best is yet to come!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate releases on December 7 for Nintendo Switch.