Is The Elder Scrolls 6 Xbox Exclusive? New Discovery Gives PS5 Fans Hope

The Elder Scrolls 6 being an Xbox console exclusive is a forgone conclusion, according to many, but it's not a declaration Xbox and Bethesda have made. It's reasonable to think the game will not be available on PS5 at release, or ever, but until this is confirmed PlayStation fans aren't letting go of their final bit of hope. If you're on PlayStation and hoping the game could end up coming to PS5, then a new discovery may be of interest to you. That said, it requires lots of context and speculation, so buckle in.

In some documents related to the ongoing Xbox acquisition of Activision, a Microsoft lawyer revealed that Xbox has plans for two upcoming Bethesda games to be Xbox console exclusive. In other words, it has two Bethesda games not coming to PS5. This is notably different than what was said last year, when Microsoft lawyers said it had "three future titles" from Bethesda that would not be coming to PS5.

So, what changed? Well, since then, Bethesda released Hi-Fi Rush, which was apparently one of those three unspecific games mentioned last year as it's an Xbox console exclusive. Last year, when the original "three future titles" statement was made, many speculated the three games in question were Starfield, Redfall, and The Elder Scrolls 6.  We know Redfall and Starfield are locked-in Xbox console exclusives, so it's clear that this designation has not been locked in for The Elder Scrolls 6. This could change over time, but it's unclear how it could be true now given all the facts and context.

Unfortunately, all we have right now is speculation. Of course, Xbox could squash speculation and provide clarification but considering it continues to provide no information about the game's Xbox exclusivity or lack thereof, we don't expect this to change. However, if it does, we will be sure to update the story accordingly. In the meantime, and as always, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think. Do you think The Elder Scrolls 6 will be an Xbox console exclusive?

H/T, Stephen Totillo.