The Elder Scrolls 6 Rumor Reveals Huge Gameplay Change

A new rumor pertaining to the release of The Elder Scrolls 6 on PC, Xbox Series X, and possibly [...]

A new rumor pertaining to the release of The Elder Scrolls 6 on PC, Xbox Series X, and possibly PS5 has been making the rounds for relaying word of a huge gameplay change, or at least a gameplay addition that could fundamentally change the series. It's been almost three years since Bethesda announced The Elder Scrolls 6. Typically, a game is already out three years after its reveal, or at the very least, getting ready to release. This isn't the case with The Elder Scrolls 6. Not only is not releasing anytime soon, but we don't know anything about it. In three years Bethesda has said absolutely zero about the game, at least of consequence. What we have had are plenty of rumors filing this void of information.

The latest comes the way of a leaker who, despite having an inconsistent record, garners attention with each claim they make. The latest they've made is about The Elder Scrolls 6, which they claim will introduce survival mechanics to the series, presumably similar to those in Fallout 76, since it's the same studio. Of course, depending on how deep and essential these mechanics are, they could prove to be a huge gameplay change.

The leaker also relays word of "a new creative system for implementing and crafting new magic spells and abilities" that are "unlike Skyrim and previous games."

Unfortunately, this is where the rumor ends. There's no word of a release date or anything super juicy, but this could explain -- at least partially -- why the game is taking so long. Not only is Bethesda working with a new engine, but if it's introducing new mechanics and expanding upon pre-existing ones that will take time, especially if most of the studio is working on Starfield.

All of that said, be sure to take everything here with a massive grain of salt. As alluded to, the leaker in question has a track record that includes both accurate leaks and rumors, as well as inaccurate rumors and leaks.

At the moment of publishing, Bethesda has not commented on any of the information above, and it probably won't. So far, it hasn't commented on a single rumor pertaining to The Elder Scrolls 6, and it's hard to imagine that changing now.

H/T, Dov. Grey.