Valheim Team Reveals Impressive Stats After Reaching Another Sales Milestone

Valheim’s developer Iron Gate Studio has been sharing periodic updates on the game successes [...]

Valheim's developer Iron Gate Studio has been sharing periodic updates on the game successes since its explosive launch, and just this week, more news of yet another milestone was shared. According to the developer, Valheim has now topped 3 million sales, an impressive number for any game let alone one that's still in early access, is only on one platform, and has been out for less than a month. Along with that announcement, the developer shared additional noteworthy stats touting some of the game's other accomplishments from the past few weeks.

Iron Gate Studio's update began by thanking all the Vikings who've been surviving in Valheim since the game launched on February 2nd. Keeping up with the Viking comparison that's been used in these sorts of announcements, the developer said the total number of sales now is equivalent to "74,319 longhouses stuffed with Vikings."

"This February has been truly wild! Less than three weeks into Early Access, we've already hit another milestone," the Iron Gate team said. "Valheim has now been purchased by over three million brave Vikings looking to survive the 10th world of the Yggdrasil - or die trying - probably crushed by a falling tree."

On top of that success, Iron Gate Studio had a few more to share. The developer compared the game's position on Twitch to other frequent powerhouses like Minecraft and CS:GO and touted the "Overwhelmingly Positive" reviews the game's gotten on Steam. The highlights for Valheim's successes this month can be found below courtesy of the developer's announcement.

Valheim's First Few Weeks

  • Over 60,000 'Overwhelmingly Positive' reviews
  • Officially entered the Steam's Top 250 best reviewed games of all time (we're 78th and climbing!)
  • Currently 7th most streamed game on twitch, surpassing CS:GO, Dota 2, Minecraft and Rust
  • Over 20 million hours of gameplay already watched - now help us find a Viking reference for this one!

Since its launch, Valheim has also been getting updates regularly enough to give players some new patch notes to look at once every few days which is a positive sign for the future of the game. With updates like those and mysteries still to be solved, it's likely we can expect more milestones to be reached and stats to be touted before too long.