Valkyrae Gives Fans Update After Hospital Health Scare

Popular YouTube streamer Rachell 'Valkyrae' Hofstette has provided her fans and the streaming [...]

Popular YouTube streamer Rachell "Valkyrae" Hofstette has provided her fans and the streaming community an update after an appendicitis scare forced her to cancel her upcoming stream and seek medical attention at a local hospital. Since then, Valkyrae has provided an update confirming that she's doing better, though she still isn't fully recovered.

For those out of the loop, it all began yesterday when Valkyrae revealed that she was cancelling her stream scheduled for later in the day because she was going to the hospital.

"I gotta cancel stream today! At the hospital for an appendicitis scare but it might be something else. I'll make it up to you guys later," said Valkyrae, tweeting from her main Twiter account.

Later that day, Valkyrae took to her other Twitter account to provide an update, noting that doctors were unable to figure out what was wrong with her.

"Update! Was in the hospital for 6 hours; blood drawn, iv, scans, etc. results - for ovarian cysts. Pain is down from a 9/8 sharp pain to a 3/2 bloated/uncomfortable gut. great.. but nerve wracking that the pain couldn't be pinpointed," said Valkyrae. "They want me back tomorrow... Resting today."

Fast-forward to earlier today, and Valkyrae announced that she would be streaming, and at the moment of writing this, is currently live. According to a tweet announcing the stream, she's feeling stable.

At the moment of writing this, it's unclear what is/what was wrong with the streamer, and it's also unclear if she's out of the woods. That said, we will be sure to update the story as more information comes in.