Valorant Updates 5 Agents and 1 Weapon, Patch Notes Revealed

It’s time this week for another Valorant update, and in the Patch 1.09 that was just detailed [...]

It's time this week for another Valorant update, and in the Patch 1.09 that was just detailed this week, we see five different Agents getting updated alongside a couple of different weapon adjustments. Omen, Jett, Viper, Reyna, and Brimstone are the targets of this week's update while the Operator is the only weapon singled out in the list of specific weapon changes. Along with those two parts of Valorant that are typically hit in these updates, the ranked and social systems were also affected by Patch 1.09.

While the Operator is indeed the only weapon that got specific updates in the patch, the changes aren't ones you should overlook. Riot Games made sweeping changes to the weapon with explanations behind the adjustments provided through the official patch notes to give reasonings for what's happened.

You can see the patch notes detailing the Agent and weapon updates among other changes outline below.


  • Omen
    • Paranoia
      • Updated projectile VFX to better represent its hitbox, especially when it is traveling towards your POV
  • Jett
    • Blade Storm (Burst Fire)
      • The time between consecutive Burst Fire use has increased from 0.33 seconds >>> 0.45 seconds
      • Daggers thrown in Burst now have a damage falloff that begins at 12 meters and drops steadily (to 35 damage) at max falloff
      • Headshot multiplier on Burst Fire reduced from 3x >>> 2x
  • Viper
    • Fuel
      • Viper now starts the round at 100 fuel (previously 50)
    • Snake Bite
      • Vulnerable debuff applied from Snake Bite now lingers for 2 seconds after leaving Viper's acid
    • Viper's Pit
      • Move speed doubled while casting
      • Viper now fast equips her weapon after casting, re-equip times vary per gun—but on average will reduce her weapon down time by .4 seconds
  • Reyna
    • Empress
      • Fire rate bonus decreased from 25% >>> 15%
  • Brimstone
    • Stim Beacon
      • Fire rate bonus increased from 10% >>> 15%


  • Operator
    • Increased price from 4500 >>> 5000
    • Decreased scoped movement speed from 76% >>> 72%
    • Adjusted weapon deadzone from becoming inaccurate at 30% movement speed >>> 15% (become inaccurate sooner, become accurate later when stopping)
    • Firing rate reduced from .75 >>> .6
    • Instant equip time adjusted from 0.3 >>> 0.5 (instant equip plays after tapping orb, bomb defuse/plant tap, Jett Cloud Burst, and Phoenix Curveball)
    • Leg shot damage decreased from 127 >>> 120
  • All Weapons
    • Jump land inaccuracy state changed from gradual >>> binary
    • Jump land inaccuracy duration increased from .2 >>> .225
    • Jump land inaccuracy value increased from 5.0 >>> 7.0 (more inaccurate for .225s after a land)


  • During this patch, the chances of being in an hour+ queue should be notably reduced
    • This is already a very rare occurrence, but it can happen more often for high rank players—especially in premade groups. We are also doing some tuning behind the scenes to keep high rank matches found after long queue times reasonably balanced and fair.


  • Riot ID Reviews
    • Players that have been reported for inappropriate Riot IDs will now be reviewed automatically after the match has ended. If their name is flagged as inappropriate, they will be forced to change their Riot ID the next time they log in to the Riot Client.
  • Removed Multi-line Breaks in Chat
    • Some sneaky people were impersonating system messages to troll others into quitting a match. Enough!
  • Changes to party push to talk settings will now take effect immediately
  • The chat window can now be pinned to stay open across menus
  • Social Panel Sorting Logic
    • Sorting algorithm for the social panel has been updated to make it more intuitive for players as they interact with it.


  • Fixed issue where Sova's hitbox was incorrect while using his Owl Drone
  • Fixed bug where Omen's glowing eyes weren't properly removed when he cancelled his ult
  • Fixed a bug where Custom Game preferences would be wiped after navigating away from the Custom Game lobby