Warhammer: The Old World Debuts Epic Bone Dragon

The new Bone Dragon miniature will be a centerpiece model for the Tomb Kings in Warhammer: The Old World.

Games Workshop is ushering in Warhammer: The Old World with an epic bone dragon that will serve as a centerpiece for the Tomb Kings of Khemri. This week, Games Workshop showcased a Necrolith Bone Dragon, one of the new miniatures that will launch with the release of Warhammer: The Old World next year. The Necrolith Bone Dragon is a brand new plastic kit featuring a choice of either a tomb king or a high priest riding upon a massive reanimated bone dragon. The new miniature comes with plenty of customization options, with an optional Monarch of Nehekhara unit on foot that calls back to the early Tomb King miniatures with an identical flail. You can check out the new miniature down below: 


Warhammer: The Old World is a return to the classic Warhammer Fantasy line that launched the wider Warhammer franchise decades ago. The game features plenty of callbacks to earlier Warhammer Fantasy games, with square bases and plastic trays to move entire units, but is considered to be a new game totally separate from older Warhammer Fantasy games. Games Workshop will release several new plastic miniatures for the game, while some older Warhammer Fantasy miniatures will be re-released either in resin or metal. Warhammer: The Old World isn't intended to be a full-scale game like Warhammer 40K or Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, but more of a secondary game like The Horus Heresy. 

The Tomb Kings are a classic Warhammer Fantasy faction, a group of undead warriors born from Nagash's necromantic curse. While Nagash is responsible for their undeath, the faction turned against Nagash and now protect their ancient cities and tombs from outside forces. Per early description of Warhammer: The Old World, the Tomb Kings will be invading Bretonnia in the game, with the ancient kingdom trying to reclaim land that once belonged to them. 

Warhammer: The Old World will be released in early 2024.