The Xbox One X Almost Sold Out at GameStop, but One Key Detail Is Missing

Update: GameStop reached out with a correction that the Q3 earnings report would be released on [...]

Xbox One X

Update: GameStop reached out with a correction that the Q3 earnings report would be released on Nov. 21, not Nov. 27 as originally written. A statement was also provided regarded sales of the Xbox One X:

"Sales of the new Xbox One X have been incredible! We have sold through most of our initial allotment in the just one day," said Bob Puzon, senior vice president of merchandising for GameStop. "We are already working with Microsoft to get our hands on more of the world's most powerful video game console."

Original story:

The numbers haven't come in yet on how the Xbox One X did on launch day in terms of consoles sold, but GameStop is reporting that it apparently did well in their stores with the retailer almost completely emptying their Xbox One X supply to eager gamers. "Sales of the new Xbox One X have been incredible! We have sold through most of our initial allotment in the just one day," said Bob Puzon, senior vice president of Merchandising for GameStop. "We are already working with Microsoft to get our hands on more of the world's most powerful video game console."

Sarah Needleman of The Wall Street Journal tweeted about the buzz-worthy launch while posing an important question about the sales: Did Xbox One X buyers clean GameStop's massive supply, or did GameStop just not have enough consoles to sell?

Almost completely selling out of the Xbox One X on launch day could be an impressive accomplishment for Microsoft and the retailers who helped distribute that console, but that hinges entirely on how many consoles there were to sell in the first place. If they ordered a massive number of the Xbox One X and went through all of them, then hats off to everyone involved for filling a 4K gap that gamers bought up immediately. But if they simply didn't order enough of the console and went through their supply quickly, that's a bit less impressive.

If the latter turns out to be true, it could also be a smart move from Microsoft to build up more demand for the console due to scarcity. With not enough consoles to go around and everyone firing up their Xbox One X and sharing their experiences, having to wait for the console to be restocked would help generate more buzz to keep the sales thriving.

Microsoft hasn't continually report on how many console they sell for a few years now, but as GameSpot pointed out, GameStop should be detailing their earnings later this month. They're expected to release their next earnings report on Nov. 21, a report that'll almost certainly include some mention of how the Xbox One X did in their stores as well as some figures to show how many consoles they sold.

You can still order an Xbox One X through GameStop's site, but your mileage may vary when it comes to finding one in your local stores.