Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, which is the studio that works on the Yakuza series from Sega, revealed today that it is currently in the midst of working on a sequel to 2020’s release of Yakuza: Like a Dragon. The project, which may not release for some time, comes mere weeks after RGG Studio finished releasing Lost Judgment. And while this news will surely make many fans of the series quite happy, it comes alongside the announcement that larger internal changes are happening within RGG Studio.ย
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In a postย on the RGG Studio website today, the new studio director Masayoshi Yokoyama talked extensively about some restructuring that is happening at the company. Specifically, longtime studio head Toshihiro Nagoshi was revealed to be leaving Sega as a whole alongside producer Daisuke Sato. “As of today, a new Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio is born where the series will live on. Though I don’t know for sure what they will create, I believe the new generation will further enhance the foundation we built over the years and deliver great games to the world. To achieve that, they too need to continue to learn, challenge themselves, and grow,” Nagoshi said of his own departure from the studio that he helped build. “I ask that you continue your support of the studio’s endeavors.”
Speaking more about what fans can expect from RGG Studio in the future, Yokoyama said that the sequel to Yakuza: Like a Dragon is now in active development. Details that were given about this title weren’t extensive, but the main protagonist Ichiban Kasuga will once again be in the spotlight with this forthcoming game. “Ryu Ga Gotoku’s predecessors have passed down their beliefs and know-how to each and every staff member. You can witness it in the recently released Lost Judgment and will see it in the upcoming sequel to Yakuza: Like a Dragon which will continue Ichiban Kasuga’s story,” Yokoyama said. “This game is currently being developed by producer Sakamoto and directors Horii, Ito and Mitake. I myself along with Takeuchi and Furuta are working on the story.”
At this point in time, RGG Studio didn’t have anything to actually show off from Yakuza: Like a Dragon 2, but Yokoyama did express that more might be revealed in the coming year. “Whether it’s six months or one year from now, I hope to show you a new Ryu Ga Gotoku title by a new Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio that is different but still the same, and something that will spark a feeling of ‘this is what we are waiting for’ within you,” he said. As such, it sounds like we’ll end up seeing more of what the studio has in store next at some point in 2022.ย
How do you feel about the changes that have taken place at RGG Studio? And what are you hoping to see in this forthcoming Yakuza: Like a Dragon sequel? Let me know either down in the comments or hit me up on Twitter at @MooreMan12.