American Horror Story: Delicate Episode 7 Recap With Spoilers: "Ave Hestia"

What really happened to Dex's first wife is revealed in AHS Delicate Episode 7.

American Horror Story: Delicate returned last week and brought some major developments in Anna Victoria Alcott's (Emma Roberts) pregnancy and life. Last week saw Anna have some horrifying moments with her pregnancy — including claws seemingly protrude from her stomach — as well as further increasing of her paranoia when it comes to the weird things happening to her. The episode also saw the director of Anna's movie kill himself and Dex's mother appear to kill herself as well — though under very suspicious circumstances. This week, the series delves into origins of what Anna is going through by exploring the story of Dex's first wife.

Spoilers for American Horror Story: Delicate, "Ave Hestia" beyond this point. Read on only if you want to know.

What Happens in American Horror Story: Delicate Episode 7?

Western Europe, 42 AD.  A woman is laboring in a barn and struggling. She gets a knife and cuts herself open to deliver her own child. However, It's not just one. Another child half-climbs from her womb and she holds them both with joy before dying. Sometime later, a mysterious figure clad in black arrives, though, and resurrects her. The woman is Ivy.

Brooklyn, 2013. It's Dex's anniversary with his first wife. He's brought her a puppy as a gift, but she's not super excited about it. She says they aren't ready for a dog and that she doesn't know if she ever wants kids. She goes to work at her restaurant where she thrives. As she's giving her staff a pep talk before opening, she sees the black clad figure outside. Once the restaurant closes, she locks herself in a supply room and goes into a secret room where she has set up her own altar and rituals.

As she's leaving, she finds Sonja, her sister, sitting there waiting for her. Sonja wants to play some sort of game with a knife and promises to leave if she can beat her. Addie tells Sonja that she is never coming back even though Sonja tells her that "they" need her. Addie says she left and knows too much to ever go back. Sonja says she will always be one of them and she was born into it. Addie stabs herself in her hand and passes out.

Galway, Ireland, 1253

Addie confronts her mother, Ivy — Addie and Sonja are the twins — about lying for "her" good. It does not go well. Ivy tells her that they cannot create anything because they are women, they can only choose to be happy or to tell the truth. Ivy apologizes for hurting Addie and gives herself and Sonja matching marks, binding them together forever.

Brooklyn 2013

Addie is at home and Dex is suspicious of what has happened to her and talks to Talia about it. He also reaches out to his father who, upon hanging up says his wife is crazy. When Dex's mother disagrees, he yells at her and tells her not to contradict him. The father says he's cutting Dex and his wife off. He also tells his wife not to contradict him and then he chloroforms her. Later, Addie goes with Talia to buy jewelry and Talia reveals she sold her business for a billion dollars and she's going to invest in Dex's gallery and give them a lifeline now that they've been cut off.

At Hestia, Nicolette pays Addie a visit and tries to convince her to come back, showing her teeth for what seems to be some sort of creatures that the women birth. Nicolette leaves, but it flusters Addie who later stops to buy a pregnancy test and it's positive, though she lies to Dex about it.

Dex and Addie have dinner with Talia and her partner to celebrate the new gallery. They take photos as a group, but Addie notices her mother in the background of the photos. After everyone leaves, she tells Dex she loves him and sends him home so she can clean up herself. At home, Dex finds the pregnancy test. He calls her but gets her voicemail. She's in her secret room so he calls his parents instead but gets a busy signal as the phone is off the hook. Dex goes to his parents' house and finds black clad figures doing something to his mother while his father has sex with another one. The figures drug him and his father demands they erase his memory. Meanwhile, Addie's mother, sister, and Nicolette restrain her — and there is a mystery black clad figure as well who is revealed to be Talia. They reveal that Talia is going to pair Dex with his new wife who will birth the "purest" one yet. Ivy cuts Addie open and the women smear themselves in her blood before setting her on fire, killing her.