Amanda Seyfried Looks Back on the "F-cking Really Badass" Jennifer's Body

Written by Diablo Cody and directed by Karyn Kusama, Jennifer's Body failed to make a major impact at the box office when it debuted in 2009, though subsequent years have seen its following grow more passionate. Despite it taking years for the film to be appreciated by wider audiences, star Amanda Seyfried knew how effective the film was from the first time she read the script, recently reflecting on how "f-cking really badass" the project was. Given the growing following of the film in recent years, some fans have hoped to see a follow-up move forward, though such a project has yet to be developed.

"Honestly, in terms of box office success, we didn't see that. Whatever," Seyfried shared with Variety. "For me, it was always about the experience of making it and being terrified of when it came out, because it felt like it always meant something. It had a cult following, and for good reason. Karyn Kusama is an amazing director. It was a f-cking really badass story about best friends that was hilarious, and dark, and smart. It was unique! Sorry, but I have not ever read another script or seen another movie that feels like Jennifer's Body. It was art. I'm really proud of the job I did, and the fun we had."

She added, "It's so nice to be celebrated for it. Even if it's years later, it doesn't f-cking matter. I think it was a great movie, so it feels really good that people are still talking about it. To be a part of anything that's stayed is cool. Like, when I was working with Paul Schrader [on First Reformed], I was like, 'This is going to be a film class. People are going to study this movie for years and years.' I knew that before I even shot it."

The original film sees a hopeful rock band attempting to make a human sacrifice to secure their success, only for their ritual to go awry and turn their victim Jennifer (Megan Fox) into a bloodthirsty demon. 

Just last year, Fox expressed her interest in seeing the narrative continued, potentially even in a long-form narrative.

"I don't think [Jennifer's Body is] a hard movie to make a sequel to," Fox shared with The Washington Post. "I mean, they should make it into a TV series. That would be cool."

Stay tuned for details on the possible future of Jennifer's Body.

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