Kevin Bacon Praises Daughter Sosie's Performance in Horror Movie Smile

Kevin Bacon has some delightful words about his daughter's performance in Smile. The star explained how Sosie Bacon was drawn to the genre in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. In the Paramount horror film, a lot of people have been shocked by her performance. Well, according to Bacon, the love for the scares lives in their family. One of his first roles was in Friday the 13th, he points out. With a foundation like that, its not hard to see how Sosie would end up in some projects that leave the viewers with nightmares. Like any proud parent, Bacon just wanted to see her be happy, and the entire family has to be pleased with the film's success at the box office. There have already been murmurs of a sequel this early in the game. Read what else the star had to say down below!

"She's great in the movie. She's fantastic," Bacon beamed. "We didn't know she was really interested after that in pursuing any kind of an acting career. But when she finally, in her early 20s, decided that this is what she wanted to do, she dropped out of college and moved to L.A. and really started doing all the right stuff. Pounding the pavement, doing self-tape after self-tape, and studying."

"When she got this part [in Smile], even knowing how hard she had worked, and knowing she was good, when I saw the movie I was just really taken aback with, not only with how great she was but also how hard that role was, because it's one of those parts where there is no break," he added. "Usually, you start out and the character's pretty happy for at least, you know, 15 minutes or 20 minutes before everything becomes horrible. But that's a movie where the stress level is [insane]. I was very proud of her."

How Good Is Smile?'s Patrick Cavanaugh reviewed the horror entry and enjoyed his time with the unnerving film. Check out what he had to say!

"In the world of horror, there are two times of year that are often considered dumping grounds for movies that studios don't have much faith in. The first is in the early months of the year, as January and February has most audiences focusing on the films nominated for awards from the previous year instead of critiquing the merits of genre stories. The other dumping ground is heading into the Halloween season, because even if a movie isn't great, studios know that audiences will be hungry for any horror," Cavanaugh explained. "The marketing campaign for Smile might lead many to believe it was a relatively generic horror film just hoping to cash in on seasonal excitement, especially since it's not a recognizable franchise and doesn't rely on famous stars. The actual film, however, is a pleasant surprise, full of hugely effective scares, which mostly mask the razor-thin plot and almost manage to say some powerful things about mental health, depression, and trauma."

Did you enjoy her performance in the movie? Let us know down in the comments!