'Stranger Things' Star David Harbour Starts New Twitter Bet to Dance with Penguins

Star of Stranger Things David Harbour has turned the tables on the internet, asking for support [...]

Star of Stranger Things David Harbour has turned the tables on the internet, asking for support and retweets to fulfill one of his own requests. The star claimed that, were he to get enough retweets, he'd be able to travel to Antarctica to dance with penguins.

david harbour stranger things twitter penguins

The request is rooted in the actor's own generosity, as news began circulating earlier this month that Harbour took part in a fan's senior photos.

When a fan asked the actor how many retweets she needed to get him involved in the photo shoot, the actor stipulated, "25k. And I get to wear the school sweatshirt and hold a trombone." The fan easily got the retweets and photos from the session debuted online last week, proving that Harbour is as likable a person as his character Chief Hopper.

Seeing Harbour's generosity, another fan asked how many retweets she'd need for the actor to officiate her wedding. Harbour claimed they'd need 125,000 retweets and he'd get to eat the first piece of wedding cake. In less than 24 hours, the goal was met, with Harbour reluctantly agreeing to go through with the wager, promising he'd make future challenges more difficult.

The actor decided that he'd give the whole "How many retweets..." trick a test, asking Greenpeace about their demands.

"Hey @Greenpeace, how many retweets to send me someplace to tell emperor penguin couples I think they have terrific parenting ideologies?," Harbour tweeted. "Perhaps hone the Hopper dance with the males..."

The organization replied, "Hmm, if you get over 200k we'll ask the Captain if you can join our expedition to the Antarctic and dance with the penguins. #StrangerThings have happened." Greenpeace also included a GIF of Hopper dancing and a link to ways people could help their mission of protecting Antarctica.

Harbour pleaded with the internet, asking, "Internet, listen... I'm a giver. I give and I give. But now I need you. I need 200k retweets to go dance with penguins. Please internet. Please retweet THIS TWEET. Please. A man needs his 'guins."

Less than six hours after his plea, the tweet amassed well over 200,000 retweets. When we'll see Harbour down in Antarctica is anyone's guess.

The first two seasons of Stranger Things are streaming now on Netflix.

[H/T Twitter, DavidKHarbour]