The Matrix Co-Creator Slams Elon Musk and Ivanka Trump for Referencing Red Pill

Matrix co-creator Lilly Wachowski had strong words for Elon Musk and Ivanka Trump on Twitter [...]

Matrix co-creator Lilly Wachowski had strong words for Elon Musk and Ivanka Trump on Twitter Sunday after the Tesla and SpaceX CEO posted to the social media sight "Take the red pill" along with an emoji of a red rose. Musk's tweet was then quoted by Ivanka Trump with her reply of "Taken!" Both got Wachowski's attention and her reply made it very clear that she has no tolerance for the reference to her 1999 film: "F**k both of you."

lilly wachowski red pill twitter
(Photo: Twitter/Lilly Wachowski)

The "take the red pill" line is a reference to Wachowski's film The Matrix. Specifically, in the film Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne) reveals to Neo (Keanu Reeves) a pretty shocking truth: he's been living in a computer simulation and he then offers a stunned Neo a choice. He can take a blue pill and go back to just living in blissful ignorance of what he's just learned, or he can "take the red pill" and learn the truth about the Matrix.

In recent years, however, "take the red pill" has taken on a bit of a different meaning in certain subcultures. It can denote a shift to right-wing, conservative political leanings and is frequently used in forums dedicated to Donald Trump. It's also used by openly misogynistic "men's' rights" groups that think that feminism isn't an ideology geared towards equality for women but the disenfranchisement of men, though it appears that Musk and Trump's usage leans towards the political, something that Wachowski clearly takes issue with.

Wachowski, who came out as transgender in 2016, followed up her now-viral tweet with a link to Chicago's Brave Space Alliance, "the first Black-led, trans-led LGBTQ Center located on the South Side of Chicago" and asked followers to support the organization if they could.

As for The Matrix film franchise, Wachowski's sister, Lana, is directing the next installment, The Matrix 4, whose production was halted in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. It was recently reported that the cast of the film have signed "eight-week extensions" that keeps them on hold through July 6 when the studio may be looking at resuming production. The film is currently scheduled to open in theaters on May 21, 2021, though given the extensive production delays it's likely the film will see a release date delay as well.

What do you think about Wachowski's response to Musk and Trump? Let us know in the comments below.