Riverdale star Madelaine Petsch has launched her own activewear line. The actress’ collection with Fabletics officially launched on Saturday, featuring red-based outfits and items, including those inspired by her Riverdale character, Cheryl Blossom. According to Petsch, the collection is designed to be comfortable, high-performance, and trendy and comes from both her love of fashion and her own lifestyle wearing activewear.
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“As someone who loves fashion and practically lives in activewear between travelling, heading to set, and actually working out, I wanted to fuse high-performance, comfortable workout gear with the latest runway trends,” Petsch said in a statement.
Petsch’s Fabletics line ranges in cost from $34.95 to $84.95 with sets starting at $69.95 and includes a variety of items from bras to jackets, many with red accents. Petsch told Nylon that it was important to incorporate a red to pay homage to her Riverdale character in her collection — something most evident in the all-red outfit she designed.
“The all-bright cherry red outfit really feels inspired by Cheryl,” Petsch said. “I really wanted to incorporate the color red to pay a little homage to her because if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be where I am today, so I had to throw her a little love.”
And speaking of Cheryl, Petsch told WWD (via Yahoo!) that she’s hopeful to get to return to her role on The CW‘s Riverdale soon. The series, which will see a five-year time jump in season five, is expected to start shooting soon, though nothing is set in stone due to the coronavirus pandemic which also prompted the series’ fourth season production to shut down earlier this year.
“I imagine we’ll probably go back soonish to start shooting,” Petsch said. “Hopefully soon. It’s all so up in the air… I think people are really going to enjoy it, because we’re really going to focus on the relationships this year. There’s going to be a lot of twists and turns and some things people may not like as much, but that’s the whole point of the show — to keep people on their toes and entertain them.”
What do you think about Petsch’s activewear collection? Let us know in the comments.