Following the wake of the tragic shooting in Las Vegas earlier this week, Marvel and Netflix have decided to pull its panel for Marvel’s The Punisher from this weekend’s New York Comic Con.
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“We are stunned and saddened by this week’s senseless act in Las Vegas,” Netflix and Marvel said in a joint statement today. “After careful consideration, Netflix and Marvel have decided it wouldn’t be appropriate for Marvel’s The Punisher to participate in New York Comic Con,” the statement read, referring to the heavy use of guns in the program. “Our thoughts continue to be with the victims and those affected by this tragedy.”
This panel was set to be one of the most anticipated of the entire weekend, as various teasers and images have hinted at the potential for an October 7 release date for the series. Many wondered if the panel would feature the announcement that the series was available instantly, or at least tease when the 13-episode series would hit Netflix.
On Sunday evening, 22,000 people came together for the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas, only to become the targets of 64-year-old Stephen Paddock. The shooter broke the window of his 32nd-floor room in the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino with a variety of high-powered weapons.
By the time Paddock had finished firing, he took the lives of more than 50 people and injured 500 more. Before police could apprehend him, he took his own life.
Ever since his character’s debut in Marvel comics, the Punisher has been a conflicted character, as he’s one of the few “heroes” who never shies away from violence.
Jon Bernthal played the character in Season 2 of Marvel’s Daredevil, serving out his own brand of justice as he saw fit. This led to a conflict between Matt Murdock and the Punisher, whose real name is Frank Castle, creating such a compelling dynamic that Bernthal’s character was given his own series.
It’s unclear at this time if this announcement will at all impact the series’ release, were it expected to have debuted this weekend.
[H/T Deadline]