'Captain Marvel's Brie Larson Wants Ms. Marvel In The Sequel

Brie Larson's Captain Marvel is just about ready to hit theaters, but she also recently got Ms. [...]

Brie Larson's Captain Marvel is just about ready to hit theaters, but she also recently got Ms. Marvel fans truly excited about the possibilities of a sequel, which if she had her way would include Kamala Khan.

Larson recently talked all things Captain Marvel during a press event in Singapore, where she sat on a panel alongside directors Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden as well as Samuel L. Jackson and Gemma Chan. During the interview, Larson was asked what superhero she would like to team up with in a possible sequel, and Larson already had a perfect candidate in mind.

"I mean my dream would be that Ms. Marvel gets to come into play in the sequel," Larson said. "That's the goal."

That's music to any Kamala Khan fan, who took over the Ms. Marvel mantle and truly made it her own after Carol Danvers took on the Captain Marvel mantle, previously held by Mar-Vell. Since then she's become incredibly popular, not only in her own solo series but also as leader of the Champions and a fundamental part of Marvel Rising's recent web series and movies.

This seems like it could really happen too, as Marvel Studios Cheif Kevin Feige has previously teased there are plans for the character after Captain Marvel finally becomes part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"Captain Marvel's shooting right now with Brie Larson," Feige told the BBC. "Ms. Marvel, which is another character in the comic books, the Muslim hero who is inspired by Captain Marvel, is definitely sort of in the works. We have plans for that once we introduce Captain Marvel."

If you're unfamiliar with Ms. Marvel, you can check out our handy dandy guide to everything you need to know about her right here!

We're pretty stoked to see Kamala hit the big screen, and it would make all the sense in the world if she were introduced in Captain Marvel 2, as the character has always looked up to Carol Danvers, even before she was a superhero. Here's hoping it happens, because we can't wait to see it.

Captain Marvel stars Academy Award® winner Brie Larson (Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Ben Mendelsohn, Djimon Hounsou (Korath), Lee Pace (Ronan), Lashana Lynch, Gemma Chan (Minn-Erva), Algenis Perez Soto, Rune Temte, McKenna Grace, Kenneth Mitchell (Joseph Danvers), with Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson), and Jude Law.

Captain Marvel hits theaters on March 8th.


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