'Thor's Jaimie Alexander Reveals What Goes Under Lady Sif's Armor

With the opening of Avengers: Endgame in theaters upon us, it seems like everyone is taking a look [...]

With the opening of Avengers: Endgame in theaters upon us, it seems like everyone is taking a look back at the movies and moments of the Marvel Cinematic Universe leading up to the eagerly-awaited film -- and it's not just fans. The stars themselves are looking back including Lady Sif actress Jaimie Alexander who is giving fans a very personal behind-the-scenes look from Thor: The Dark World.

The photo, which Alexander shared on Twitter, showed the actress clad in boots as well as what appears to be black leggings and a corset-style top with a caption that asks, "Ever wonder what goes under Lady Sif's armor?" Check it out below.

That's right, it's a funny joke about Lady Sif's underwear! But, all jokes aside, it's an interesting look at what goes under the armor the mighty Asgardian Goddess of War was most frequently seen in. Of course, while these behind-the-scenes looks are always appreciated by fans as they give a new layer of detail and richness to the beloved films and performances, this one is a little bittersweet. Last year following the release of Avengers: Infinity War, co-directors Joe and Anthony Russo revealed that Lady Sif was one of the billions of victims of Thanos' snap. The Goddess of War was dusted along with so many others.

But that doesn't mean that all hope is lost for Lady Sif. The central "mission" of Endgame, if you will, is the surviving heroes' determination to rescue the lost and defeat Thanos once and for all. Teasers and trailers for the film have even shown that, in some capacity, the heroes plan to get the stones and use them to fix things. How successful they will be? That is what remains to be seen in Endgame, but with the film having a three hour run-time, successful or not, fans can be sure the heroes will be giving it their absolutely all.

And speaking of that massive run-time, if you're worried that you can't make it from start to conclusion without a bathroom break -- especially since there will be no intermission -- we've compiled a couple of places in the film where you can hurry out and back without missing too much. Just be aware that there are some very mild spoilers in the break guide so if you really don't want to know anything before heading in, well, may the bathroom odds be in your favor.

Avengers: Endgame opens in theaters April 26.

What do you think of Alexander's Lady Sif reveal? Let us know in the comments below.


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