Avengers: Endgame’s Paul Rudd Recreates “You Spin Me Round” Music Video with Jimmy Fallon

Avengers: Endgame star Paul Rudd teamed with The Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon for a [...]

Avengers: Endgame star Paul Rudd teamed with The Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon for a shot-for-shot remake of Dead or Alive's "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)" music video.

"You were here all day yesterday doing that, and it was disturbing," Fallon joked when sitting down with Rudd to talk Endgame.

"Very disturbing," Rudd said. "It took a while — I didn't realize, he's hard to sing, Pete Burns."

"People don't realize it is us singing on that song," added Fallon, who previously teamed with Rudd to recreate Go West's "King of Wishful Thinking" and Styx's "Too Much Time on My Hands."

"He's got such a strange vibrato. I think it took a couple hours ... and that poor crew, all day everyone was walking around, 'Baby!'" Rudd said. "We couldn't get it out of our heads!"

Because Endgame is so filled with spoilers, Rudd's press tour has shied away from the film's finer details: when appearing on Good Morning America Friday following its release to theaters, Rudd joked, "I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut. And I play it really safe. I don't even talk about The Sixth Sense, and that's been out for years."

What Rudd could say is his two children "loved it."

"They're really into the [Marvel Cinematic Universe] and all of the films, and so we all went to the premiere together, and they were blown away," Rudd said, adding he withholds secrets even from his family.

"I think they learned at this point to just stop asking. My nine-year-old daughter, although, will still say, 'You can tell me, I'm not gonna tell anybody.' And I just say, 'I don't know, I really don't know.'"

Avengers: Endgame is now playing.


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