'Agents of SHIELD' Cast Members on Whether Their Characters Would've Survived 'Avengers: Infinity War'

The Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom is still reeling from the dark and harrowing ending to [...]

The Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom is still reeling from the dark and harrowing ending to Avengers: Infinity War. However, as concerned as fans may be for those heroes lost in "The Snap" Thanos performed with the Infinity Gauntlet, they've also had quite a few questions about the event's full impact on the MCU.

Former Agents of SHIELD villains Grant Ward (Brett Dalton) and Aida (Mallory Jansen) just made an appearance for an Agents of SHIELD panel at LA Comic Con 2018, where they had to address the question of whether or not their respective villain characters would've survived The Snap. Specifically, they were asked if they could've survived The Snap, if their characters were still alive, and here's what they had to say:

Brett Dalton: "Why you have to put that restriction in it? "If they're alive?" Why you gotta rub it in our faces that we died?" [Thinks it over] "Yeah, sure."

Mallory Jansen: "Yeah! It's Marvel, we never really die."

Dalton: "Exactly."

The moderator jokes that "That's why they're called N.E.R.D.S.: No one Ever Really Dies," but it's definitely a sentiment that Marvel Comics have echoed for decades. Even when you think that a character has come to his or her final end, some decisive twist of fate (or sloppy Deus Ex Machina) brings them back from the dead. In the world of Marvel, truly anything can happen - and there are more than a few Agents of SHIELD fans who would love to see both Ward and Aida make a return.

Granted, this little panel discussion is pure fan-service wishful thinking, but it does in fact touch on an important question that's been hanging over the upcoming Avengers 4. We expect that the next Avengers movie will somehow either reverse The Snap, or mess with time to stop it from ever happening in the first place. That reversal of fortune is pretty much guaranteed to re-establish balance to the MCU - put it might not be the same MCU that we knew before. If there are some significant changes to the timeline then there could easily be a major juggling of fates, in which characters who were killed before The Snap make a return, while some of the people lost in The Snap may never return at all.

Avengers: Infinity War and Ant-Man and the Wasp are now available as digital downloads as well as on Blu-ray and DVD. Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universemovies include Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, Avengers 4 on May 3, 2019, and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5, 2019.