Marvel fans loved watching Avengers: Endgame so much that revisiting the biggest movie of all time through videos of other movie theaters reacting is exciting, at this point. Following the 1-year anniversary of the Marvel film hitting theaters, an outpouring of videos showcasing exciting reactions to key moments from the film began to go viral on social media. Even the directors, the Russo Brothers, shared some videos from reactions to their first public screening of the film. However, one new video shows just how important the Marvel characters are to some people as a dad and daughter shared the experience of watching Avengers: Endgame together.”My daughter at the end of Endgame last year,” Reddit user mathmatics227 wrote on a post. “During the epic fight she shouted, ‘I’ve waited for this for years, dad,’ then cried for three hours after it finished. Best cinema experience of my entire life, she was so happy!”
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The words alone are enough to get fans excited for this family, seeing how the Marvel Cinematic Universe brought them together in this moment which does not seem like one they will soon forget. Fortunately, the father documented the moment on video, sharing his daughter’s adorable reaction to the movie shortly after it ended, displaying a feeling many fans can probably relate to.
Check out the post and video below!
My daughter at the end of Endgame last year, during the epic fight she shouted “I’ve waited for this for years dad” then cried for 3hrs after it finished. Best Cinema experience of my life, she was so happy! from r/marvelstudios
The comment section is in full support of the moment, as well. “What an incredibly happy and bitter sweet moment watching Endgame,” omarcoming9439 wrote. I think we can all agree the MCU was a huge part of our lives for the 2010’s. Through the good times and the bad we all remember going to see those movies on opening night.”
It is not easy to find a comparison to the energy in movie theaters on opening weekend of Avengers: Endgame. Billions of dollars worth of moviegoers were flocking to theaters, exploding with cheers when Captain America wielded Thor’s hammer for the first time but also on key moments like Captain Marvel arriving, Sam saying, “On your left,” and Tony snapping his fingers.
What was your favorite moment from Avengers: Endgame? Share it in the comment section or send it my way on Instagram and Twitter.