Why the Marvel Netflix Characters Weren't Included in Avengers: Endgame

As you probably know by now, Avengers: Endgame featured more Marvel characters than any other [...]

As you probably know by now, Avengers: Endgame featured more Marvel characters than any other movie in MCU history, even more than last year's Avengers: Infinity War. There were characters featured in this movie that made their debut as recently as this year in Captain Marvel, while others have been around since 2008's Iron Man. If you were looking for the addition of Marvel TV characters though, Endgame was not the place to find them (except for one in a brief cameo).

Despite the cries from fans around the world, the likes of Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Jessica Jones never found their way into the massive Marvel team-up film. According to Endgame screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the lack of backstory on the big screen for the Marvel TV characters kept them from being included.

"We would have to introduce these five characters — or whatever many," McFeely said during an interview with The New York Times. "We already are assuming people have seen a lot of the movies. Are we really going to assume they have bought a subscription to Netflix and watched those shows enough so that when they see them, they're going to go 'yay?'"

"It also screws up the timelines," Markus added. "You would have to assume that they all got snapped away, or otherwise they might have shown up earlier. I think the only character who has come from TV to the movies is Jarvis, James D'Arcy [from Agent Carter]."

Yes, as Markus pointed out, there was one Marvel TV character who made the jump to the cinematic side of the universe. Jarvis, Howard Stark's butler and the inspiration for Tony Stark's artificial intelligence, first appeared on the Agent Carter TV series. Played by James D'Arcy, Jarvis popped up again during Avengers: Endgame.

Were you disappointed that none of the Marvel TV characters made it to Avengers: Endgame? Which of them would have made the most sense to include? Let us know in the comments!

Avengers: Endgame is now playing in theaters.


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