'Avengers: Infinity War' Director Says He Thinks Standalone Black Widow Movie Is Coming

Joe Russo, one half of the Avengers: Infinity War directing team with brother Anthony Russo, [...]

Joe Russo, one half of the Avengers: Infinity War directing team with brother Anthony Russo, thinks a movie headlined by Infinity War's Black Widow (Scarlett Johannson) is on the way.

Sitting down with Channel NewsAsia alongside Infinity War executive producer Trinh Tran, the pair were asked about women in the filmmaking industry and female representation in the comic book movie genre, with Tran saying "the female voice is very important."

"What's great about working with Joe and Anthony and Marvel is that they allow those voices to be heard," Tran said, adding, "Joe has always said, 'the best idea wins.'"

"Females in general should open up and share their ideas," Tran continued. "I think that's important to get the voices heard."

"Without question," Russo said.

Tran pointed out female superheroes Captain Marvel (to be played by Brie Larson) and Johannson's founding Avenger, characters Tran said "little girls can look up to."

Asked if that outlook means a solo Black Widow movie, Russo said only, "I think it's coming!"

Russo previously told the Happy Sad Confused podcast Black Widow's comic book history and Marvel Cinematic Universe tenure gives the potential solo plenty of material to draw from.

"It's such a rich and interesting character," Russo said.

"There's so much to explore with a character whose history was as a villain, and you know, Scarlett does such a good job of playing that character and people are so used to that character that you forget the character's history, and so there's a lot of compelling stories to tell about someone who has a dark past."

Marvel Studios has yet to announce their slate beyond the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel releasing after Avengers 4 in 2019.

Earlier this year, the studio was said to be developing a standalone featuring the spy-turned-superhero, but the project had not been officially greenlit.

Black Widow screenwriter Jac Schaeffer was recruited in January to meet with Johansson, to discuss what the star wants out of her own Marvel movie.

The actress opened up about her desires in an interview from the Infinity War set, telling Entertainment Tonight:

"I think there is definitely an opportunity to explore the Widow as a woman who has kind of come into her own and is making independent and active choices for herself probably for once in her life," Johansson said. "You know she hasn't always had that possibility so if it fit that criteria, then yes, I would want to do it."

Johansson's Marvel co-star, Sebastian Stan, said he would "love" for Bucky Barnes to be involved in what could be a "spy, thrillerish, noirish story."

Avengers: Infinity War opens April 27.