
‘Avengers: Infinity War’: Tom Hiddleston Knew About Thanos All Along

The first Avengers cast member to know about Thanos was Tom Hiddleston, and he knew exactly what […]

The first Avengers cast member to know about Thanos was Tom Hiddleston, and he knew exactly what the Mad Titan was up to all along.

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The actor burdened with the glorious purpose of playing Loki in the Marvel Cinematic Universe asked all the right questions while working on the 2012 ensemble film, leading him to the information of the Mad Titan being the big bad behind the curtain. Hiddleston opened up about his Thanos awareness in an exclusive interview with, as seen in the video above.

“I did know about Thanos,” Hiddleston said. “I knew that ahead of time. I had to ask. I had lots of conversations with Joss Whedon, like, ‘Okay, so this scepter which can poison people’s minds, I can poison Stellan Skaarsgard, I can poison Jeremy Renner, why do I have that power? I open the wormhole and these aliens come. Who’s aliens are these? So, when I have that scene with The Other, who is he working for? Who am I talking to?’ I was one of the only people who had to know that information. Other actors playing the Avengers just had to know they’re up against Loki but I was like, ‘Okay, I’m having this conversation with this alien.’ So, I knew about Thanos, it was amazing to finally see it all come around.”

As Avengers: Infinity War is set to arrive, Hiddleston has nothing but praise for Josh Brolin, who was cast as Thanos in the years which followed The Avengers, calling his time on set with the actor, “Amazing.”

“He was having the tie of his life because he fully embraced the technology that Mark Ruffalo’s been working with as the Hulk, as well,” Hiddleston said. “I think he felt like he was going back to acting class but in the most enjoyable way because the motion capture stuff is truly motion capture. It really is his performance. To work with him, having such a great time, was really infectious.”

While the Avengers may have never assembled if Hiddleston’s Loki had not rained aliens down upon New York City, Hiddleston dodges any credit for their existence. “I can’t take credit for that, that’s a Joss Whedon question I think,” Hiddleston said. “What I love about it, is that for me it’s been such a great surprise. I signed up in 2009 to play this fascinating antagonist in the Thor movie. Kevin Feige called me up and said, ‘Let me talk to you about Avengers.’ I was like, ‘Excuse me?’ He told me about the very first front page panel of the first Avengers comic. It’s actually shot over Loki’s shoulder so you can see the horns entering the frame and the reason they assemble is because of Loki, hence, my involvement in that movie. Honestly, I’m just so happy to be here, to be a part of it.”

Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27, 2018. Have questions about’s time on set or at the press events? Leave them in the comment section or send them to @BrandonDavisBD on Twitter!