Young Gamora Actress Ariana Greenblatt Compares Avengers to Love And Monsters

Joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe can be overwhelming gig. Instantly, some actors become [...]

Joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe can be overwhelming gig. Instantly, some actors become global a phenomenon as fans look forward to their work as an iconic character. For 13-year-old Ariana Greenblatt, joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe for one of its biggest films ever, portraying a young version of Gamora in a pair of key sequences, was a greater experience than she could have imagined. The actress is gearing up for the release of Love and Monsters, a Paramount film headed to on demand services, where her character exists in a world which called for a similar performance of talking to larger than life creatures who did not truly appear on set.

"I mean, the biggest thing that's similar is, the imagination because obviously there isn't this humongous monster Thanos standing in front of me," Greenblatt tells in the video above. "So, one of the scenes he was in this like motion capture suit, and then he had this huge backpack on which had like this pole sticking out, and then like a cardboard cutout of Thanos' head. So it was definitely hard to like, imagine that I'm speaking and talking to Josh Brolin, cause I like to like connect a lot to people's eyes when acting especially scenes like that. So it was definitely weird to like, look up and look at a little cardboard cutout. But he definitely made it so easy. He was so amazing. So definitely familiar with the green screens and the crazy eyelines and stuff like that for sure."

Looking back at the experience, Greenblatt's role in Avengers: Infinity War did not call for a tremendous amount of screen time. Still, her interaction with Brolin's Mad Titan has become one of the more iconic moments in the world's largest franchises, in a sequence which sees her ask the villain, "What did it cost?" to which he emotionally responds, "Everything."

Greenblatt was not expecting such a strong reaction to her roles.

"I was just so grateful and thankful for the opportunity in general," she says. "Just to be in that movie and to play that character, that I did not realize how big it would be. And then when I call my family when I was obviously allowed to say that I got the role. Like wait, what? And then my brother and dad was like, 'I read the comic books. This is like huge.' It's like, 'You can't tell anyone, right?' and I was like, 'Okay, I'll not tell anyone.' So I did not realize how huge it was, but like I said, I was just so thankful for that opportunity."

Fans can look forward to Greenblatt's next opportunity, which is training up Dylan O'Brien's Joel for a whole new kind of apocalypse, in Love and Monsters when it hits streaming services on October 16.