Two days ago, Marvel Studios officially announced that the first part of their dramatic 2-part climax of Phase 3 will be simply known as Avengers: Infinity War, and the second one won’t have Infinity War in its title. This is because the second part of the story is very different from the first.
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Though they may be different from each other, screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely have been working on both at the same time. Last weekend, during San Diego Comic Con, they sat down with Yahoo’s Kevin Polowy, chatting about the writing process and how far along they are with the script.
McFeely: We’re many drafts in.
Markus: We’re on the third draft of movie one and the second draft of movie two.
McFeely: It’s going pretty well.
Polowy: So you’re actually writing them in tandem?
McFeely: As much as we can. Yeah. Literally on any one day you’re trying to write only one, but that doesn’t mean the next week, you’re not working on the other one. And certainly, notes are coming in, and all sorts of production stuff is coming in. Like, ‘That thing over there is now a window, not a door. Let’s adjust that.’Or, ‘We’re not going to that town; We’re going to this town. Let’s adjust it.’ That kind of stuff happens constantly, and will for the next-.
Polowy then asked the screenwriters about how they narrowed down the number of characters that will actually appear in those films.
McFeely: Our deal was, when we lock ourselves in a room with the Russo brothers, and a couple of execs from Marvel, one wall was movie one cards and one wall was movie two, and one wall was little baseball cards with every character still alive in the Marvel universe.
Markus: Down to Darcy’s boyfriend from Thor 2. Like just anyone who did not die and has been established as alive, and then went- [pretends to move cards around on a board].
(via CBM)
Avengers: Infinity War will hit theaters on May 4, 2018.