
Fan Makes ‘Deadpool 2’ Supercut Using Both Trailers

The Deadpool 2 trailer dropped this week, but if this newest and best look at the upcoming […]

The Deadpool 2 trailer dropped this week, but if this newest and best look at the upcoming Deadpool sequel wasn’t enough for you, this fan made trailer just might blow your mind.

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Using footage from both the “Meet the Cable” trailer released back in February and this most recently released look, YouTuber ScrapLogger has created a supercut that contains all the fun and insanity of the latest trailer with the grim introduction of Josh Brolin’s Cable from the first one to make the ultimate look at the return of the Merc with the Mouth. Check it out above.

As you can see, this supercut brings a slightly more serious tone to the story with Cable’s gruff monologue about war and pain giving a bit more context for why he’s after the kid we see Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) sign on to protect — and create the “derivative” X-Force in the process. The addition of Cable’s monologue also only serves to enhance Deadpool’s creation of X-Force. After all, if Deadpool is going to take on Cable and whatever other threats the film is going to throw at him he’s going to need some major backup. Thanks to the latest trailer it looks like it’s a pretty formidable team. In addition to Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) and Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) who aided Deadpool in the first film, Terry Crews’ Bedlam and Zazie Beetz’s Domino have joined up along with a handful of others, including Shioli Kutsuna’s purple-haired, electric-powered character that we’ve speculated just might be the X-Men’s Surge.

With Deadpool 2 hitting theaters in just under two months, the newest trailer released this week signals the start of the promotional onslaught for the film though the upcoming sequel has received quite a bit of attention already. Rumors suggested that early test screenings of the film scored poorly with audiences, though new test screenings reportedly tested even higher than the original Deadpool film, fueling speculation that there might just be a secret cameo included in recent reshoots for the movie. As for those reshoots, while some have speculated that they were carried out to “fix” elements of the film that were poorly received Hildebrand recently told Screen Geek that simply wasn’t the case and that the film “was all good”.

“No, it was nothing that had gone wrong,” Hildebrand said. “I think it’s a common misconception too — that people think that reshoots are to fix things that people didn’t like. A lot of the time, reshoots are to add more of the things that people loved. [Filmmakers] watch their films again and are like ‘better fix that.’ I don’t know how much I can say about that. Usually films hate it when you talk about their reshoots — solely because people think that it’s because the film was bad for the test audiences — but it was all good.”

Fans will see for themselves when Deadpool 2 hits theaters May 18th.

Other upcoming X-Men movies include X-Men: Dark Phoenix on November 1st, The New Mutants on February 22, 2019 and Gambit on June 7, 2019.