The long-awaited third movie of the Deadpool series has released new footage, and Deadpool & Wolverine is aiming to take the Marvel Cinematic Universe by storm. With the latest trailer arriving as a part of Superbowl LVIII, fans are beginning to pick at the footage to see if they can spot any easter eggs. One major easter egg arrives in a “blink and you’ll miss it” moment as one of Logan’s long-time alter-egos was seemingly featured in a quick shot.
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Wolverine often isn’t one for subterfuge, instead letting his claws do the talking when it comes to cutting his way through enemies. However, sometimes, Logan will take the opportunity to don the moniker “Patch”, throwing on an eye-patch and hoping it is enough to throw people off of his trail. While several comic book characters have been able to easily see through his disguise in the past, Logan will often return to this identity when the need arises, especially when he finds himself traveling to the fictional foreign city known as Madripor. It hasn’t been completely confirmed that Patch will appear, though from the back, Wolverine appears to be wearing his alter-ego’s classic white blazer.
Deadpool & Wolverine’s Superbowl Trailer
“Patch” first appeared in the initial issue of the Wolverine solo comic book series in 1989. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, fans have seen Madripor on the screen thanks to Falcon And The Winter Soldier, leading the way for this potential alter-ego of Wolverine to make an appearance.
Deadpool & Wolverine director Shawn Levy recently talked with Wired about the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first installment to receive the R rating.”Not only have Kevin Feige and Marvel and Disney supported this extremely Deadpool-ian, audacious, R-rated tone, they’ve also supported our super meta, self-referential self-awareness. Some of the jokes are dirty, some of them are cultural observations, but that’s what we love about Deadpool, that he knows he’s in a movie, even though the stakes are real. Our movie is very loyal to that DNA too, with tremendous Marvel and Disney support, in making fun of and being self-aware about everything, including themselves.” That includes meta jokes about the former Fox properties now under the Disney-Marvel banner.”
Marvel Studios’ Deadpool 3 is slated to release in theaters on July 26, 2024.
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