How Avengers: Endgame Sets Up Captain Marvel for Phase 4

Captain Marvel's solo debut took place shortly before Avengers: Endgame, so we knew she would play [...]

Captain Marvel's solo debut took place shortly before Avengers: Endgame, so we knew she would play a role in Endgame before the credits rolled. Her role in the movie wasn't what we expected, but we do know that she will be a huge part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe going forward, and we've got some thoughts on how Endgame sets up the marvel hero going forward in Phase 4 and beyond. Spoilers incoming for Avengers: Endgame by the way, so if you haven't seen the movie yet you've been warned. If you have though, then you've come to the right place to talk more Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel's big contribution to the finale is when she arrives on the scene and decimates Thanos' ship all by herself and then swoops into to move the Infinity Gauntlet (the Tony Stark created one) across the battlefield. She then takes on Thanos one on one, and while this fight doesn't last that long she shows she is not going to back down from the Mad Titan and can go blow for blow with him.

Thing is we don't see her again after Tony Stark snaps Thanos and his armies out of existence, but it's more about what happens around her that will carve out some space for her to take a more prominent role in the MCU going forward.

Tony Stark gives his life to end Thanos and his army, as the power from the Gauntlet takes a toll on his human body. Tony has been the heart of the Avengers, and his absence would typically only be filled by someone like Captain America or Black Widow. Unfortunately, we saw Black Widow give her life to save Clint and get the Soul Stone earlier in the movie, so Widow's off the board too. By the end of the movie, we also see Captain America choose to live out his life in the past with Peggy, and he returns to the present a much older man.

Cap passes on his legacy to another, so now the big three leaders of the Avengers are all gone in some form or another, and the group's going to need someone to lead it into the future. Sam is going to need some time to get used to being the new Cap, so who better to lead this team than Captain Marvel.

This vacuum sets up her taking on a leadership position perfectly, but it also sets up the Avengers for more cosmic missions, since Captain Marvel is well acquainted with traveling the galaxy. Endgame doesn't do as much as we would've hoped with Captain Marvel, but it does set her up to the be the new leader of the Avengers in Phase 4, and if you need more reasons why she's perfect for the role, we've got you covered there too.

Avengers: Endgame is in theaters now.


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