In case you didn’t know, the Internet is a magical place. Why, you ask? Because it’s the only place we’d find out the answer to the one question we’ve all been asking: how many kills does Hawkeye have in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
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One lucky Marvel fan took the time to count out all of Hawkeye’s shots in The Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron to determine a few numbers.
First, 21 deaths have been confirmed to be as a direct result of Hawkeye’s bow and arrow. On top of that, 26 total deaths are assumed to have been caused by the archer. You know, because of the whole “one shot, one kill” mantra.
The best part of it all? Every kill has been compiled into a nice little two-and-a-half minute, which you can find above.
Clint Barton’s (Jeremy Renner) first Marvel Cinematic Universe appearance came in Kenneth Branagh’s Thor (2011) while his most recent appearance was Captain America: Civil War (2016).
To the dismay of fans across the globe, Barton didn’t appear in this year’s mega-blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War but he’s slated to have a much-anticipated return in next year’s yet-untitled Avengers 4 follow-up.
Not appearing in Infinity War was “one of the best things that ever happened to Hawkeye,” Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige told io9 just before the release of the crossover epic in April.
“We [at Marvel] love Hawkeye. There are big, big story things coming up for Hawkeye and Jeremy Renner is as strong an actor as anyone in the MCU and awesome as this character,” Feige said.
“But ‘The guy with the bow and arrow jokes’, right? There are a lot of ‘Guy with bow and arrow jokes.’” He even makes ‘Guy with a bow and arrow’ jokes in some of the movies. So I love that people go from ‘Oh, Hawkeye is just lucky to be there,’ to ‘Oh, where is he? He’s not there? What’s going to happen? We need Hawkeye. We want more Hawkeye.’ I love it. It’s the best.”
When he reappears next year, Barton is expected to take up the identity of Ronin, a mantle the character assumed for a short time in modern comic books.
Avengers 4 opens May 3, 2019.