Internet is Concerned About Stan Lee's 'Avengers: Infinity War' Red Carpet Appearance
Stan Lee made an appearance at tonight's red carpet premiere for Avengers: Infinity War, but while [...]
Trying not to cry seeing @TheRealStanLee on the red carpet. #infinitywar
— Christina (@MurasakiLuna) April 24, 2018
I'm loving the interviews on the purple carpet. There's so much joy and excitement. But when I saw Stan Lee my 1st thought was "why isn't he resting? Can someone save him please?". #InfinityWar
— Teresa Luz (@TeresaFortesLuz) April 24, 2018
I'm in tears because Stan Lee, the one man ive wanted to see my entire life, is on a scooter. I hope he is okay and getting better. He is a real super hero, bring these stories to life before the MCU. @Avengers #InfinityWar
— Aaron Morse (@aaronmorse9900) April 24, 2018
If Stan Lee shows up to the Avengers #InfinityWar premiere somebody has to step in and rescue him from those vultures!! No better time ???
— ThanosDemandsYourSilence (@Kneel2ThaCrown) April 24, 2018
stan lee really bout to die at the premiere
— kira (@dcsapphics) April 24, 2018
Aw man, watching that Stan Lee interview just now got me a little choked up. That man just needs to rest.
— Maggie? (@Magdalin) April 24, 2018
stan lee scares me he looks and sounds like he’s about to drop dead at any second
— sav (@capisgay) April 24, 2018