'Iron Fist' 5 Things We Want to See in Season 2

The production behind the second season of Iron Fist is beginning to wind down with many of the [...]

The production behind the second season of Iron Fist is beginning to wind down with many of the actors having wrapped filming their roles for the year. So, it's likely we'll soon start learning more about what's to come relatively soon, and there's a few things we hope to see in the pipeline.

After the show's wrap party, actor Finn Jones, the man behind billionaire Danny Rand — the show's main character — took to social media to give us his thoughts on the show. The Game of Thrones alum even went the length of saying that some events in Iron Fist's Season Two are something we have never seen before.

"I think the story we've told and the journey the characters have been on this season is unlike anything seen before," Jones posted on Instagram. "I'm proud, exhausted, but above all, ready for all of our hard work to be enjoyed across the world."

Let's face it: season one was widely panned by critics and fans alike. The show is one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's lowest-rated properties on Rotten Tomatoes with an 18% rating on the Tomatometer.

So when Jones said that Iron Fist Season Two was nothing like anything we've seen before, many people were skeptical. But now the series has a new showrunner for Season Two in Raven Metzner. The Sleepy Hollow alum takes over for Scott Buck, the former showrunner for both Iron Fist and Marvel's Inhumans.

With new leadership and a cast that's still motivated to put forth an effort in their product, Season Two of Iron Fist is definitely something we can look forward to. Here are five things we'd like to see in Iron Fist's sophomore outing.

(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)

1. A big ol' dragon

As a fan of Iron Fist, I was incredibly bummed when the first season ended without a real look at Shou-Lao the Undying, a dragon that's instrumental in the Iron Fist mythos.

You see, to become the Iron Fist, one of K'un-Lun's finest needs to plunge their hand their the dragon's heart, killing it. The person who kills Shou-Lao will then absorb the dragon's chi and don the Iron Fist brand.

It was a moment hinted at many times throughout Iron Fist Season One, but the closest we ever got to actually seeing a dragon was when they tried using a cleverly edited transition to pass off a skyscraper's warning lights as dragon eyes.

With Netflix willing to shell out money for their various projects — look at Lost in Space, for example — one would think a character such as Shou-Lao would be a priority for those in the Iron Fist writer's room.

(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)

2. Orson Randall

If you're not too aware, the Iron Fist isn't just a singular character. Rather, it's a title handed down to each successive protector of K'un-Lun who's able to absorb the chi of Shou-Lao.

Prior to Danny picking up the mantle, it belonged to another Westerner by the name of Orson Randall. The two crash-landed into K'un-Lun when it happened to be appearing on Earth.

After receiving the brand of the Iron Fist, Randall left K'un-Lun to travel the world. He ultimately decided not to participate in the Tournament of the Heavenly Cities, and because of that, he was stripped of his title and exiled from K'un-Lun.

The character first appeared in Immortal Iron Fist #1 (2007), and while he shares many of the same powers as Danny Rand, he uses his chi in different ways, being able to focus into both of his hands in contrast to Danny's typical single-handed approach. Randall has also used a pair of handguns, being able to control the bullets fired from said guns with his chi.

Orson Randall could definitely show up in the Netflix show, especially after we saw the recording Bakuto (Ramon Ridriguez) had of Danny's predecessor. In the black-and-white footage, we saw the previous Iron Fist use Randall's dual-fisted approach.

(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)

3. Fat Cobra and the remaining Immortal Weapons

In the Iron Fist mythos, K'un-Lun is just one of the seven Capital Cities of Heaven. Each of the Cities have their own protector, their own Immortal Weapon. Iron Fist serves as the Immortal Weapon of K'un-Lun, and the other six cities are Tiger Island, Peng Lai, the Kingdom of Spiders, Z'Gambo, Under City, and K'un-Zi.

Every 88 years, the seven cities merge on Earth to form the Heart of Heaven where the Tournament of the Heavenly Cities is held. The Immortal Weapon from each of the cities participates in a fighting tournament and the winner gets the ability for their city to appear on Earth every seven years.

In the first season, we got a quick glimpse of the Bride of Nine Spiders, the Immortal Weapon from the Kingdom of Spiders. In the sixth episode of the first season — "Immortal Emerges From The Cave" — Madame Gao (Wai Ching Ho) cobbles together a makeshift tournament of sorts that Danny (Finn Jones) has to fight through.

Although the portrayal of the Bride of Nine Spiders was largely watered-down version of the character — seriously, check out her origin in Immortal Weapons #2 (2009), it's terrifying — it spawned hope that Netflix could be willing to introduce the other Immortal Weapons.

Several of the Immortal Weapons are characters that would convert to excellent on-screen characters. Most notably, fans would probably want Peng Lai's Fat Cobra. Think of a sumo wrestler with the speed of DC Comics' Barry Allen.

Other Immortal Weapons and their respective Heavenly City include Tiger's Beautiful Daughter (Tiger Island), Dog Brother (Under City), Prince of Orphans (Z'Gambo), and the Crane Daughter of K'un-Zi.

Speaking of K'un-Zi...

(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)

4. The Crane Mother

So, is Madame Gao the Crane Mother or what? Originally appearing in Netflix's Daredevil, where she claimed her home was "much further" from New York City than China, the character was later revealed to be one of the leaders of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's version of The Hand.

In Iron Fist, we saw the elderly Hand member display telekinetic-based powers. Now that we know she has powers, it's only a matter of time before they finally name drop her supervillain alter ego, right?

The Crane Mother first appeared in Immortal Iron Fist #4 (2007) as the leader of K'un-Zi. In the Tournament of the Heavenly Cities, her Immortal Weapon — the Crane Champion — is murdered by Orson Randall. Only able to give birth to one champion every 300 years, the Crane Mother decided to resurrect none other than Davos and passed her chi powers down unto him. Davos adapted the Steel Serpent moniker and fought in the Tournament of Heavenly Cities for K'un-Zi.

We know that Madame Gao is well aware of Davos (Sacha Dhawan) after the ending minutes of Iron Fist Season One, so could we see the two team up in a comic-accurate K'un-Zi team up?

(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)

5. Enough Story To Warrant A 'Daughters of the Dragon' Spin-Off

No matter what your thoughts of Iron Fist Season One were, the one constant among fans and critics alike seemed to be Jessica Henwick's depiction of martial arts badass Colleen Wing.

Immediately following the announcement of an Iron Fist renewal at last year's San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb hinted that Simone Missick's Misty Knight would be appearing in the upcoming season.

After the two teamed up in The Defenders and will apparently kick ass together in the second season of Luke Cage, the two characters might be the most deserving characters in the Netflix corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to get their own spin-off show.

Marvel's Daughters of the Dragon, anyone?


What are your wants for Iron Fist Season Two? Do any of your wants match ours? Let us know in the comments below!

Iron Fist has recently wrapped filming and will likely debut sometime in 2019.