Does All of This Mean Spider-Man Is Going to Be in Venom 2?

Andy Serkis has boarded Venom 2 and the movie is now in pre-production in London. Fortunately [...]

Andy Serkis has boarded Venom 2 and the movie is now in pre-production in London. Fortunately enough for the team at Sony Pictures, the recently fractured deal between Sony and Disney means that if need be, they have access to a pretty popular wall-crawler. We're just going to throw the question out there — does this split deal mean Spider-Man's going to appear in the Venom follow-up?

Since the dawn of the Venom development process, it's been hinted at by various people at Sony there's a desire to have Tom Holland's take on Peter Parker in one of the Venom movies. Now, fortunately enough, Sony seemingly has full creative control over Spider-Man once again — right as they're beginning to get serious about ramping up production on Venom 2. Perfect timing, right?

It's pretty safe to say the Sony and Disney deal fell apart as a direct result of who'd be getting how much money. With Venom already surprising most at the box office, can you imagine Venom 2 with Tom Holland's Spider-Man in tow? That's not even including another hot-selling character in Woody Harrelson's Carnage. Sony would practically be printing money at the point.

Plus, one recent convention appearance from Holland himself seems to tease future Spider-Man crossovers would be getting "bigger and better."

"It's really exciting, the ideas we have for how we can expand the Spider-Man world and bring new characters into it, and crossover with other people, it's really exciting," Holland said at Keystone Comic Con in Philadelphia. "And it's only going to get bigger and better from here, which is great."

And then on top of that, Holland is totally chomping at the bit to work alongside Venom star Tom Hardy as per an interview from a few years back — even though his MCU ticket as he calls it looks punched.

"You know, I'd love to make a movie with Tom Hardy, and if we ever got the chance to make a Venom movie together, that would be super cool," Holland said in the interview when asked about Venom, a movie set in Sony's Universe of Marvel Characters. "But his movie would have to take place in the MCU because I'm not giving up that ticket."

Do you think Holland's Spider-Man will be in the Venom sequel? Share your thoughts in the comments below or by tweeting me at @AdamBarnhardt to chat all things Marvel!

Venom 2 is set to bow October 2, 2020. The only movie in Sony's Universe of Marvel Characters currently in production is Morbius, a film set for release July 31, 2020.