Famed comics and video game artist Joe Madureira will join the Marvel NOW! initiative in June to draw an as-yet-unannounced title, Marvel teased today via a visual press release.The image depicted Wolverine, a character with whom Madureira has had a great deal of experience over the years, and said “Marvel NOW! gets MAD!”. At present, Wolverine is featured in two monthly solo titles for Marvel NOW! as well as a number of team books.So far, Marvel NOW! has been pretty routinely replacing artists after the first arc of any given series, presumably with an eye toward keeping big names like Madureira, who has traditionally had trouble with deadlines, on time.Fans of “Joe Mad,” though, will remember that he’s been teasing a project with writer Zeb Wells for a while that would team Wolverine with Spider-Man and Elektra. Given the spider webs you can see in the background of this image if you look closely, it stands to reason that project may finally be seeing the light of day–the question is, will it launch as a miniseries and run the risk of finishing late or has Madureira already finished and the book is ready to go, either as an original graphic novel or as a miniseries that will conclude quickly?
Joe Madureira to Draw Wolverine For Marvel NOW!
Famed comics and video game artist Joe Madureira will join the Marvel NOW! initiative in June to […]