The Marvel Cinematic Universe is an action-packed franchise that would be nothing without the hard work of its stunt performers. Many MCU stars have made it clear over the years that they are extremely grateful for the stunt people who help make them look badass onscreen. We’ve seen a lot of posts recently in honor of the stuntwomen who worked on Black Widow and now the women of Loki are getting their own shout-out. Sophia Di Martino, who plays Sylvie on Loki, took to Instagram today to share some love for her stunt double, Sarah Irwin, as well as Gugu Mbatha-Raw‘s (Ravonna Renslayer) stunt double, Nadia Lorencz.
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“Urgh! I miss fighting with these badass women. Can’t you all just come over for a pillow fight? Thanks @sarah__irwin for making Sylvie such a brawler & posting these ๐๐๐ and @gugumbatharaw & @nadialorenczstunts for being such beautifully terrifying movers,” Di Martino wrote on Instagram. You can check out some of the fun behind-the-scenes photos of the women below:
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“A photo series entitled: Not One Ounce of Fun was had on Loki ๐ Now that I am not terrified of accidentally posting a spoiler. This show was the most incredible project to work on. @itssophiadimartino thank you for trusting me to help with Sylvie’s action & being an incredible friend๐ @moganderton: The Time Keeper of Loki Stunts & 2 unit Directing also The Photographer. Thank you for having me on & the constant learning & pushing to grow๐ @loydbateman The Time Keeper of The Fights. Thank you for badass fights & so much knowledge. You are the ๐ฃ @herronthatkate thank you for being an absolutely amazing director & the photo๐ฃ ๐ @stuntsurfer thank you originally bringing me on๐๐ @nadialorenczstunts & @gugumbatharaw thank you for being great fight partners ๐ช๐ So much Loki family, thank you for being such an awesome team.”
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Loki is available to stream on Disney+. If you haven’t signed up for Disney+ yet, you can try it out here.
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