
Marvel Fans Stunned That Tim Blake Nelson is Returning as The Leader in Captain America 4


At D23 Expo on Saturday, fans got more information about Captain America: New World Order, the biggest piece of that information being the Marvel film’s cast. The film will include Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson/Captain America, Carl Lumbly as Isaiah Bradley, Shira Haas as Sabra, Danny Ramirez as Falcon, and Tim Blake Nelson as The Leader — with The Leader apparently serving as the film’s central villain.

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For Marvel fans, the announcement of Nelson’s casting in the film has been exciting and surprising. The last time they saw Nelson’s Samuel Sterns was in The Incredible Hulk over 14 years ago. The character’s last appearance ended with him lying on the ground with his transformation into The Leader teased. However, the character hasn’t been referenced since. Interestingly, Nelson isn’t the only actor returning to the MCU after a long absence. Tim Roth, who played Abomination in The Incredible Hulk, recently appeared in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.

Even with the lengthy absence, fans are pretty excited to see Nelson return to the MCU. We’ve rounded up a sampling of fan reactions to the announcement and you can check them out below and be sure to share your own thoughts in the comment section.

What do you think about the cast of Captain America: New World Order? Let us know your thoughts in the comments! The film arrives in theaters on May 3, 2024. Check out a full breakdown of D23 Expo panels and events here.

Loose ends^tfw

Not a drill!


Strange choice, but glad^tfw

Not on the bingo card

Great news

Looking forward to it