Marvel Teases Loki Wielding The Infinity Gauntlet

Marvel has big plans for the Thor universe, but the biggest bombshell might just revolve around [...]

Marvel has big plans for the Thor universe, but the biggest bombshell might just revolve around the trickster god Loki.

In a new tease for the anticipated Thor #700, Loki can be seen holding the incredibly powerful and often coveted Infinity Gauntlet, but how does he get it? That's still a mystery, but Vice president and executive editor of Marvel digital media Ryan Penagos teased big answers to come.

Penagos posted the image with the caption "#seeeekrits (also from Thor #700, on sale Wednesday, October 18, which is as I've said--INCREDIBLE)."

Marvel Legacy #1 revealed that Logan has one of the Infinity Stones, so just how does Loki have all five? Does this take place before or after Legacy #1, and just what could someone like Loki do with a weapon that powerful? All of these are burning questions, and unfortunately, ones that will just have to wait until Thor #700 is in fan's hands.

The issue will have long-reaching effects for all of the characters in the Thor universe. Jane, Odinson, Loki, and many other Asgardians will feel the ripple effects, something writer Jason Aaron has tried to do consistently over his entire Thor run.

"Legacy for me is about honoring the rich history of Marvel, the amazing cast of characters who call the Marvel U home and the legendary creators who've reached down from the heavens like Celestials over the last 50+ years to give those characters life. And the only way I know to honor that rich, imaginative history is to try and take these characters somewhere they've never been before. To give them new challenges and new epics, new triumphs and tragedies. With Thor, that's what I've been trying to do ever since THOR GOD OF THUNDER #1 back in 2012. And the next big chapter of that ongoing quest kicks off in THOR #700, which is a god-sized celebration of all things Thunder God," Aaron told

While Loki seems to be causing problems of his own, another villain will be taking much of the spotlight, one that Aaron has wanted to work with for quite some time.

"I've been waiting to write the Mangog for a very long time," Aaron said. "He's my favorite of the original Lee/Kirby Thor villains. You can see hints and teases related to the coming of the Mangog all throughout my run.

You can see the new panel in the image above, and fans can pick up the issue in comic shops on October 18th.