
Ms. Marvel Debuts TV Spot With New Footage


Ms. Marvel actually premiered a new TV spot and fans are treating themselves to the unseen footage. Marvel Studios is excited for people to meet Kamala Khan in this new Disney+ series. In the new spot, people are noticing that Iman Vellani’s powers include some other applications that haven’t been mentioned in any of the other press for the show. Ms. Marvel has drawn a lot of attention for the changes to her powers and fan reaction. But, at the character’s core, her relationship with her family and trying to juggle super heroics are really the heart of Kamala Khan. This trailer continues to hammer that home while still including more looks at what she’s facing on Disney+ in a few short weeks. 

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Series creator Sana Amanat explained why the young star is the perfect person to play Ms. Marvel in a recent interview with EW. That energy just radiates off the screen in every frame she pops up in.

“I think once people meet Iman and get to know her and watch her in the show, everyone’s going to be like, ‘Oh, no question. She’s Kamala,’” Amanat explained. “It’s no doubt. She is funny and sweet and vulnerable and nerdy and a huge fan of Marvel in real life. She’s incredibly smart, like whip smart, and she has such a bright future ahead. I feel like Iman is going to do so much after this show. Sure, she can get an Oscar, but she’s probably going to go be a director or a producer. She’s going to do so much because she’s so smart.”

“There is so much of Kamala in her because I think Kamala has the same type of view of the world,” Amanat continued. “She looks at the world with eager and hopeful eyes, and I think Iman does that, too. You can’t help but root for her and be drawn to her. There are just so many similarities that it felt like such a natural fit to see her put on the costume for the first time [or] see her go into the Khan house for the first time. It just made sense. There’s no other Kamala than Iman Vellani.”

Marvel says that the upcoming Disney+ show: “Introduces Kamala Khan—a 16-year-old Pakistani American from Jersey City. An aspiring artist, an avid gamer and a voracious fan-fiction scribe, she is a huge fan of the Avengers—and one in particular, Captain Marvel. But Kamala has always struggled to find her place in the world—that is, until she gets super powers like the heroes she’s always looked up to. Iman Vellani stars as Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel.”

What do you think of Ms Marvel’s new trailer? Let us know down in the comments!