Former Mythbuster Adam Savage Builds Iron Man Suit That Can Really Fly

Just because Marvel's Avengers aren't real, doesn't mean that Iron Man's suit can't be. Former [...]

Just because Marvel's Avengers aren't real, doesn't mean that Iron Man's suit can't be. Former Mythbusters star Adam Savage took it upon himself to bring Iron Man to life for his new Discovery TV series, Savage Builds. The new show launched on Friday, and it features Savage using his technology skills to create unique and exciting things. The first episode was completely dedicated to building an Iron Man suit, and he did just that, complete with bulletproof armor and the ability to fly.

The only way to really see the entire building process is to watch the full episode of Savage Builds on Discovery, but there are a few videos online now featuring the highlights from the episode, as well as a couple of tests. In the video above, you can watch as Savage takes the suit on its first flight test.

If you want to get technical about this whole thing, Savage's Iron Man suit isn't actually made out of iron. Instead, it's titanium that makes up the frame of suit, which is fairly accurate to the version seen in the MCU, minus the red and gold color scheme.

Savage got the idea when he heard that there was a 3D printer that could print things entirely in titanium. He used that technology to get the framework of the suit built, and turned to the flight and bulletproof aspects from there.

Speaking of which, this video features footage of the bulletproof testing, which took place at the Alameda County Sheriff's Department shooting range in Dublin, California. Savage and his team fired several different handguns at the armor, using .22, 9mm, and .45 bullets.

While the suit may not be able to fly as high or fast as Tony Stark's in any of the Avengers films, and it doesn't come with any of those hand canons or Nanotech, Savages take on the suit is about as close to the real thing as you'll see.

Maybe he'll take on Captain America's Shield next?