'Back to the Future' Director Robert Zemeckis Addresses If He Would Do a Marvel or DC Movie

The Back to the Future series blends comedy, action, and science fiction into a wholly [...]

The Back to the Future series blends comedy, action, and science fiction into a wholly entertaining experience, thanks in large part to director Robert Zemeckis. The filmmaker's skills seem perfectly suited to tackle a superhero film, with rumors previously circulating about his involvement in a number of projects, though nothing has come to fruition. Zemeckis recently confirmed that he'd happily get involved in a superhero film, so long as he's allowed to interject his own unique perspective.

"I would do any project... I don't have any... you know, the projects that I'm attracted to are the ones that the ones that require the director's vision," the director shared with BadTaste. "You know, the filmmaker's own and personal artistic stamp. So yeah, if there's room for that, to do that in a comic book movie inspired story, I have no problem. I just wouldn't want to do a project that is... something that could be interchanged with five or six directors."

The Marvel Cinematic Universe might seem like the more appropriate fit for the director, as their films typically have lighter tones and are injected with plenty of humor. However, the films in that universe are meant to be unified, resulting in a singular look and feel that might not allow Zemeckis to flex his creative muscles as he so wished.

The DC Extended Universe, on the other hand, has embraced a darker atmosphere, as established by Zack Snyder's films, yet Patty Jenkins' Wonder Woman proved that the studio trusts a filmmaker to apply their skill set to tell the best possible story.

One of the first attempts in the DCEU to blend somber tones with more playful characters was Justice League, which featured Batman in all his brooding glory while Ezra Miller's Flash added energy and humor into virtually every scene in which he appeared. Some audiences found the shift in tones jarring, though with a Flash solo film, a more humorous tone could be embraced throughout.

Directors John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein are currently attached to the upcoming Flash film, which will reportedly look to Back to the Future as a major inspiration for the story of time travel and races against a clock to impact events at various points in history.

Fans are eagerly awaiting official news regarding the Flash solo movie, which could be revealed this weekend at San Diego Comic-Con.

Do you think Zemeckis would be a better fit for Marvel or DC? Let us know in the comments below!

[H/T BadTaste]