
Tom Holland Reveals Peter’s Main Mission in Spider-Man: Far From Home

Tom Holland’s Peter Parker just wants a vacation after the events of Spider-Man: Homecoming, […]

Tom Holland’s Peter Parker just wants a vacation after the events of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame. The thing is, despite leaving his Spider-Man suit at home for a trip to Europe, he can’t actually take much time off of being a hero in Spider-Man: Far From Home. While visiting the London set of the globetrotting movie, heard from Holland why Peter Parker can’t just catch a break.

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“At the end of the day, it’s always about saving people and doing the right thing,” Holland said. When Thor, Captain Marvel, and others aren’t available, Nick Fury is turning to Spider-Man. “The world is at risk in this film. I feel like the Vulture was sort of low level crime, it was under the radar. Not many people knew about it, but this is a worldwide event. The stakes are much higher for him and I think he understands that, meaning he has to really show up and bring his A-game. At the heart of the film, Peter Parker just wants to tell the girl he really likes that he loves her and have a nice holiday. But that all gets ruined.”

It’s the long way of answering a question about what Peter’s main mission is in the film. In simple terms, it sounds like Peter’s mission is to save the world. However, the element of a relationship with MJ is also a major factor.

“He’s very much love driven in this film and taking a break,” Holland explained. “This film is all about him trying to take a break but the responsibility of being Spider-Man always taking over, which is quite funny, because the first film we were really keen to show Peter Parker enjoying his powers and really wanting to be Spider-Man.”

Mysterio and the Elemental monsters won’t be the only thing standing in the way of Peter Parker’s happily ever after. A newcomer who Peter just can’t seem to get along with, possibly a character born five years after Peter and the gang, comes into the picture. “Brad gets in the way,” Holland says, in reference to Peter’s happily ever after with MJ.

“Now we have Peter Parker, who still loves the aspects of Spider-Man, but just needs a break, just needs a holiday like everyone does at times,” Holland said. “And that’s not possible when you’re a superhero, and you have responsibilities to save lives. So, it’s an interesting balance of, kind of watching a kid do his homework. That’s kind of how I’m describing it.”

What questions do you have about our time on the set of Spider-Man: Far From Home? Share them in the comment section or send them my way on Instagram or Twitter!

Spider-Man: Far From Home hits theaters on July 2.