Throughout its creation, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has sought filmmakers with a variety of backgrounds to deliver audiences fresh and unexpected incarnations of their favorite superheroes. According to the director and star of the Super Troopers films Jay Chandrasekhar, Marvel Studios has reached out to him to see if he had any interest in tackling a future project.
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“They sent me the Marvel Encyclopedia and they said, ‘What do you guys want to do?’ So, it’s upstairs. My kid’s going through it,” Chandrasekhar shared with SYFY Wire. “And he’s going to make a list of what he thinks we should do, and I’ll go through it. I’m curious to see what a 13-year-old’s mind comes up with.”
In the early years of the MCU, the studio didn’t necessarily have the freedom to reach out to directors to see what they were interested in, yet the continued success of the franchise has allowed for more ambitious projects.
Of being offered the opportunity to explore any character he was interested in, the filmmaker praised the studio, admitting the offer “is massive.”
He added, “And there are certain ones that are owned by Fox, so you can’t do those. But there are plenty of people there โ I mean, look at Deadpool. You’re like, well I didn’t know you could do that. Great. Let’s do something like that. Right?”
While Chandrasekhar is excited by the opportunity, he explained it’s far from a sure thing, noting, “We just had a general meeting. I’m sure I’m not the only one.”
Marvel currently has multiple release dates secured for untitled films, so it’s unclear if they have characters in mind that they hope to align with Chandrasekhar’s vision or if they are open enough to collaboration that they allow him, or another filmmaker, to dictate which characters can secure one of the coveted dates.
The filmmaker did confess that, when it came to comic books, he was for more interested in Archie than in Marvel or DC Comics.
“There were too many details in the drawings [of superhero books]. I had a very developed sense of tone when I was a kid,” Chandrasekhar admitted. “It also felt like you were picking it up in the middle. And I could never quite get in front of it. I guess people would go all the way back to issue one when they started. I was aware of that, vaguely. But ultimately I bought my comic books at grocery stores and I don’t remember a large superhero section.”
The filmmaker’s latest, Super Troopers 2, hits digital download on July 3rd and Blu-ray on July 17th.
Avengers: Infinity War is in theaters now.
Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies include Ant-Man and the Wasp on July 6th, Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, the fourth Avengers movie on May 3, 2019, the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming on July 5, 2019, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in 2020.
Do you think the filmmaker is a good fit for the MCU? Let us know in the comments below!
[H/T SYFY Wire]