With the premiere of Dark Phoenix, the X-Men film franchise has reached the end of an era that has spanned for two decades. But the long-running series that helped launched the modern age of superhero films has reached its conclusion, leading way to something else to take its place. Many fans are eager to see the X-Men franchise be rebooted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but they’ll likely be waiting a while.
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A brand new parody video from The Warp Zone makes fun of this fact, showing how popular Marvel Studios is without one of the most popular superhero franchises in the company’s repertoire. Check it out in the player above.
While Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige is likely eager to get the X-Men established in their franchise, there are a lot of other options in development that fans will likely see in the meantime. Characters like Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and the Guardians of the Galaxy will likely get their own sequels first, and there are also projects focusing on the Eternals and Shang-Chi in the works as well.
Even Feige himself cautioned fans not to get their hopes up so soon, explaining to io9 that they’re in the midst of a plan that doesn’t account for the X-Men or the Fantastic Four being introduced in the immediate future.
“It’ll be a while. It’s all just beginning and the five-year plan that we’ve been working on, we were working on before any of that was set,” Feige explained. “So really it’s much more, for us, less about specifics of when and where [the X-Men will appear] right now and more just the comfort factor and how nice it is that they’re home. That they’re all back. But it will be a very long time.”
It might seem like Dark Phoenix director Simon Kinberg has an idea of what’s coming next, considering he’s been a steward of the franchise for over a decade now. But he himself recently admitted to ComicBook that he’s unaware of the future plans.
“The easy answer is, no, I don’t know the answer,” Kinberg told ComicBook.com. “And I don’t know that Marvel or Disney knows the answer yet either. I think everybody is still figuring it out.”
Dark Phoenix is now playing in theaters, with no word yet on when the X-Men will debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.