X-Men: Apocalypse's Bryan Singer Teases Pivotal Wolverine Sequence

The newest X-Trailer is loaded with new footage, but that one scene at the end is what caught most [...]

(Photo: FOX)

The newest X-Trailer is loaded with new footage, but that one scene at the end is what caught most people's attention.

The small snippet, which shows us a hallway packed with dead bodies and a shot of those iconic claws, got people buzzing, and in a chat with Empire Online, Director Bryan Singer elaborated a bit on the importance of that scene without giving it all away.

"Make of that what you want," he poker faces. "I will say, it's not simple. There's something more pivotal that occurs with that. It hints to a sequence that again fits within the canon of all six movies, and the birth of a new direction. It's not insignificant, nor is it simply just a throw-in." So, will we find out to whom the claws belong? "It's not the only shot you're gonna see, let's put it that way."

The new direction line is the most intriguing part. With Wolverine 3 likely to be a stand alone story, rumored to be Old Man Logan at the moment, maybe they are using this as a platform to launch a new actor into the role? Anything is possible I guess.

We'll have to wait to X-Men: Apocalypse launches on May 18th to find out.