
Avengers Build-a-Team Meme Leaves Twitter in Shambles As Fans Argue

As if the internet didn’t need more things to argue about, an Avengers meme has burst onto the […]

As if the internet didn’t need more things to argue about, an Avengers meme has burst onto the scene Tuesday evening that threatens the very existence of Twitter as a social networking platform. The fine folks at EW cobbled together one of those Build-a-Team memes — you know the deal — and the end result has shaken Twitter to its core, the social media service in shambles as it scurries to pick up the pieces of what casual fan interaction once was.

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Sure, we might come across as a bit too melodramatic here, but one visit to Twitter should convince you otherwise. Other than the fact many Avengers fans are up in arms over Happy Hogan making the list at all, no two tweeters can agree on the same team that would work out best. In fact, half a dozen separate heroes have become their own trending topics as of this writing.

Then again, what team are we building exactly? Are we building a team to take down Thanos? Or are we cobbling together a team for normal, every day crime-fighting? What if we’re supposed to put together the group that’d be best to rave with on Contraxia? Or get into fights with space pirates on Knowhere?

Either way, fans are up in arms because…well, there’s not much else to do at the moment. See what Twitter is saying about the latest Avengers Build-a-Team meme below:


But Let’s Be Real


No Danvers, No Deal


Hawkeye Who?

Pew Pew Pew

Surely You Jest

Well…We’re Waiting…

Oh, Okay…