Director Zack Snyder is making the rounds doing promotional interviews for 300: Rise of an Empire. Snyder directed the first 300 movie, and he is a screenwriter and producer on 300: Rise of an Empire. Of course, it’s another project that the press seems most interested in asking Snyder about.In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Snyder also talked about the highly anticipated Batman Vs. Superman movie. There have been lots of conflicting rumors about the status of Batman Vs. Superman filming, ranging from the cast being summoned to start filming immediately to filming still being several weeks or months away.”We’re getting ready to start shooting in a month or so,” Snyder revealed. “You know, Superman and Batman in the movies have never existed in the same frame together. So it’s an interesting historical thing. We were just testing the suits, right? The new Batsuit and the Superman suit. It wasn’t even with the actors, right? It was just to see ’em. I was standing there, they were standing next to each other. And I was like, ‘Guys, someone take a picture! This has never happened before.’ We slightly dork out. Like, ‘Are you kidding me?!’”As far as how fans have reacted to some of the casting decisions, Snyder explained, “We know the material. Unfortunately, the fans don’t know the material. So, we’re casting according to what’s happening in the script. And we’re hoping that leads to enough originality, enough perspective on what we’re doing that you get something fresh and exciting. I understand the canon. I’m not crazy.”Batman Vs. Superman is scheduled to be released in movie theaters on May 6, 2016.
Batman Vs. Superman: Zack Snyder Is Testing The New Batsuit And Superman Suit
Director Zack Snyder is making the rounds doing promotional interviews for 300: Rise of an Empire. […]