Earlier today, we wondered whether Marvel Studios could delay the planned 2023 release of Blade following the departure of the film’s director last night. The answer now seems to be yes, with a casting notice suggesting that production is farther away from beginning than we had previously thought. While production under filmmaker Bassam Tariq was expected to begin within a few weeks, a casting agency responsible for helping Marvel with minor roles and background actors has altered its listing, removing the ability to apply for Blade jobs and saying that the movie is now expected to begin production in the spring.
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According to Angela Boehm Casting, the film’s production dates are currently listed as “TBD” (to be determined). Interested applicants are encouraged to keep checkiing back for up-to-date information once the movie is out of limbo.
“APPLICATION UPDATE for Marvel’s Blade,” the page reads. “We are not taking any more applications at this time, as the production dates have pushed to the spring (dates are TBD). Please check back on this link, once you see postings on our Social Media!”
This pushes production out farther than originally thought. Journalist Jeff Sneider had previously said the plan was to shoot in November, and while it seems unlikely at this point, maybe that can still happen if Marvel finds a new director quickly.
“I’m told that the current Blade script is roughly 90 pages and features exactly TWO (lackluster) action sequences,” Sneider tweeted. “Mahershala said to be very frustrated with the process. Feige said to be spread too thin. But hey, that’s just what sources are telling me. Don’t shoot the messenger”.
Moon Knight alumnus Beau DeMayo is actively rewriting the script first developed by Tariq and Watchmen writer Stacy Osei-Kuffour.
Mahershala Ali’s take on the character of Blade appeared in the post-credits scene to Eternals in voice only, teasing a crossover with Kit Harington’s Dane Whitman/Black Knight.
The character previously appeared in a trilogy of films that leaned into his horror roots, and were distributed by Warner Bros.’ New Line Entertainment in the years before Marvel Studios was actively producing their own films. They starred Wesley Snipes, who has continued to lobby to come back to the role in the years since. Whether he will end up with some kind of cameo in the new film is not known.
Blade is set for release on November 3, 2023 — at least for now. Keep your eyes on ComicBook.com for updates as the process unfolds.