Bruce Willis Called Kevin Smith and They Had a Lovely Conversation

With the upcoming release of Kevin Smith’s newest comedy, Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, it was [...]

With the upcoming release of Kevin Smith's newest comedy, Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, it was recently revealed that Ben Affleck would be appearing in the film, meaning the two men finally made amends after not speaking for about ten years. Well, it turns out Affleck isn't the only relationship that's mending for Smith. Back in 2010, Smith directed Cop Out starring Bruce Willis and the two notoriously did not get along, a fact Smith brought up as recently as last year when he wasn't invited to take part in Comedy Central's Roast of Bruce Willis. However, according to Smith's most recent episode of Fatman Beyond, Willis recently reached out and all seemed to be okay between the two celebs. During the episode, Smith said he wanted to close it off with a "weird" and "wonderful" story.

"Time heals all f***ing wounds," he teased. "I got a text this morning from a number that I've seen pop up on my phone quite regularly like every few weeks," he explained. "I only answer numbers I know."

He goes on to explain that after a few missed calls, the number then popped up as a text. Here's what it said: "Dear Kevin, I have pictures I want to send you. I need your home address. Love, Beedub."

After contemplating who that could possibly be, Smith realized he only knows one "BW," so he replied: "Bruce?"

"F***ing Bruce Willis texted me!," Smith revealed. "Out of f***ing nowhere, man."

So, Willis asked Smith for his address so he can send him some pictures, and Smith went ahead and asked if they could chat on the phone, so Smith called him back.

"It was either Ralph Garman doing an incredible impression or it was f***ing Bruce," Smith added. "We just chitchatted for like ten minutes."

Smith said he didn't mention any of the "friction" that occurred over Cop Out, and said it was "f***ing lovely" as well as "f***ing strange."

"Reach out to an old friend or to someone you never thought would be a friend again," Smith advised. "You never know what bridges you can mend."

Smith also said he'd be very into the idea of a Cop Out 2.

"Go back and fix the past? That works out in movies all the time," he joked.

Would you want to see a Cop Out 2? Tell us in the comments!

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot hits theaters on October 15th.