In an appearance on the Tonight Show on Friday night, Chris Evans praised Robert Redford and hugged Kevin Smith. He also talked briefly about the high level of secrecy revolving around Captain America: The Winter Soldier.After Jay Leno told Chris Evans that he loved the first Captain America movie, Leno tried to get Evans to give him the inside scoop on the sequel. However, Chris Evans said, “The problem with Marvel is that, it’s so funny, it’s so different from other movie experiences, you can’t say anything. They have snipers just out waiting. I feel like if I start giving plot points a red dot will just end on my forehead.”Chris Evans added, “Every script you’re given is watermarked with your name on it, so if that’s released, they’re going to come down hard on you. It’s real lock and key.”While Chris Evans might be under the watchful eye of Marvel Studios in regards to making sure he doesn’t reveal spoilers, Evans also pointed out they take care of him. Even though Chris Evans professes to not being a big bike guy, Evans said, “I’m trying to be. I want to be. They put me in these bike classes. They put me in a bunch of classes. They put me in gymnastics classes and bike classes and all this stuff, and you’re like this is great, it’s a know, it goes with the job and why not take advantage.”
Chris Evans Talks Marvel Snipers On Tonight Show
In an appearance on the Tonight Show on Friday night, Chris Evans praised Robert Redford and […]