Disney Reveals Free Guy Posters Inspired By Video Games

Free Guy posters inspired by video games have been revealed by Disney. A bunch of modern favorites [...]

Free Guy posters inspired by video games have been revealed by Disney. A bunch of modern favorites is represented with Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Among Us. Over on the massive player base side of things we have Minecraft. No listing of 3D games would be complete with Super Mario 64. So, there's a lot to choose from with all that going on. For those who are not aware, Ryan Reynolds plays a non-player character in a massively multiplayer online game. All of this video-gamey business is absolutely normal for the tone and style of the film. People are excited for this movie as it will be a strong bellwether for whatever else will happen to theaters this year. Check out Disney's post down below for yourselves.

Comicbook.com had the chance to sit down with Reynolds before the release of the movie. He talked about the interior life of his character and how he approached playing someone who lived inside of a simulation.

"That's a incredibly thoughtful question. No pressure, everyone else after this. Do I think Guy dreams? That's a great question. I think the longer he spends with Millie/Molotov Girl [Jodie Comer], I think that's where he probably would learn to dream. I mean, we love to play with this idea that his consciousnesses is expansive. Every time he spends a minute or more with Jodie's character, his inner world or interior world grows and becomes more and more nuanced and dynamic. So I think probably by the second act of that movie, I think he's probably dreaming pretty vividly. Exclusively about Jodie's character, I'm sure. But still... Yeah," Reynolds mused

The Deadpool actor also talked about Guy's message in the film being "becoming whoever you want." It got a little philosophical when things were discussed about whether or not the star believes that real-life can be like that.

"Well, I mean, I do think that people can become whatever they want within realism. I will never be a gold medal downhill slalom skier. I know that now. But I can learn to ski. I think that if we really spend a little bit of time focused on ourselves and understanding how important connectivity is. And I think the sky's the limit. I think that there's all sorts of... I mean, if the last year taught us anything it's that we can spend a little time on ourselves too. It's not the worst thing in the world to spend a little time looking inward and thinking, 'How can I make this vessel that houses all these neuroses and weird ideas about itself feel a little bit better?' And I think that's been one of the few gifts of a really difficult time recently. So yeah."

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